Biological contaminants (germs, mildew, and mold) can be trapped in the ductwork, where they recirculate throughout the house. Air Duct Cleaning service providers apply chemical biocides or ozone to sanitize the ducts.
The most effective method for air duct cleaning involves negative pressure and a powerful vacuum collection device. Before the duct cleaners arrive, clear an access path to your HVAC equipment and vents.
Air ducts are tubing systems that connect air handlers, plenums and vents to distribute heated and cooled air throughout homes and commercial facilities. Those tubes can get clogged with dirt, debris and other contaminants that negatively impact indoor air quality. Air duct cleaning is important in improving indoor air quality, but it must be done correctly to be effective.
The first step is inspection, which a qualified air specialist should perform. They’ll check all the access points to your duct work, assess its condition (by looking inside) and decide which cleaning technique would be best for you. They may also recommend other services such as insulation or a mold remediation.
If you’re doing the cleaning yourself, make sure you have the right equipment. A good air duct cleaning tool kit should include a long-handled brush, a vacuum cleaner with attachments, and a borescope or other video inspection device. You’ll also want to have HVAC aluminum foil tape or mastic sealant (for ductwork) on hand in case you find a leak during the cleaning process.
During the inspection phase, your technician should explain what to expect from the service and answer any questions you might have. They should also be able to give you an accurate quote for the entire project. It’s a good idea to compare quotes from several local contractors before choosing one.
When ducts are dirty, it’s usually because of a buildup of dust or pollen. These particles can become airborne and circulate throughout the house, causing discomfort to people with allergies or asthma. Dirty ducts can also harbor bacteria, rodent droppings and other vermin.
Regular duct cleaning can prevent pollutants from recirculating, which is especially important for households with young children or elderly persons. Properly cleaned ducts are less likely to break down due to age or wear and tear, as well.
Air ducts should be cleaned at least annually for residential homes. Commercial, industrial and marine facilities should have their air handling units, supply ductwork and return ductwork inspected and cleaned annually as well. Getting your ducts cleaned regularly will help to improve indoor air quality, lower energy bills and extend the life of the equipment. If you’re interested in having your ducts professionally cleaned, contact a NADCA-member contractor who follows industry standards and will do the job right the first time. They will take the time to inspect your ductwork thoroughly, and ensure that it winds up clean and undamaged. They’ll even do a final walk-through inspection to make sure nothing was missed. They’ll also make sure all the access points are closed up and sealed, so they don’t leak afterward. Don’t schedule your appointment during baby’s naptime or your Zoom meeting; the duct cleaner will need to go through every room in your home, so it’s best to keep your children and pets out of the way.
Air ducts and vents are hidden inside the walls of your home, and are difficult to reach without the proper equipment. Duct cleaning involves a combination of agitation tools, brushes and a high-powered vacuum to remove dust, debris, dirt, mold and other pollutants that can be found in dirty ducts. You can clean your air ducts on your own using a brush and your home vacuum cleaner, but this is ineffective, and can actually cause the pollutants to return through your dirty air vents.
The first step of the duct cleaning process is to inspect your ducts and determine what type of contaminant buildup is present. Once the technician knows what type of contaminant is present, they can decide what cleaning technique to use.
Before the cleaning starts, make sure to clear a path for the technicians to access the air handler and ductwork. This means removing any furniture or other items blocking the way to these important components of your HVAC system. It is also a good idea to change your air filter before the service, and readjust any electronic air cleaners to the default settings.
Once the technicians arrive, give them a tour of your home to show them where all the vents are located and what areas you would like them to clean. This will help them avoid missing any vents and ensure that all areas are cleaned thoroughly. It is also a good idea to provide them with a phone number where they can reach you in case of any questions or problems during the cleaning process.
Depending on the size of your home and how dirty your ducts are, the entire process could take a few hours or a full day. You should plan accordingly, and arrange for babysitters or daycare for your children if necessary. The noise and movement of the cleaning equipment will be distracting to them, and you may want to keep pets away from the area as well.
After the cleaning is complete, you will want to check that all of the vents are open and working properly. If any are not, you can let the technician know and they will be happy to fix them before leaving. Then you can enjoy the fresh, clean air in your home! You may even notice a difference in your allergies, as the pollutants will no longer be blowing around your house.
Air duct cleaning involves removing dirt, pollen, pet dander, bacteria and other contaminants from the walls of your air ducts and vents. A licensed and certified technician uses specialized tools to dislodge debris stuck on the interior surfaces of your ductwork, then vacuums up the dust, pollen and other contaminants that are released during this process. The entire cleaning phase of the duct and vent cleaning process takes between four and eight hours.
During this time, you may have to move things around in your house so the service provider can get to all of the ducts and vents. It’s a good idea to arrange important meetings and appointments elsewhere on the day of the service, or at least schedule them well before or after your air duct cleaning. This will ensure that you can still attend to your responsibilities, and will not have to leave early or come in late.
The air ducts in your home can contain harmful contaminants and micro-organisms, including animal dander, volatile chemicals, mold spores and mildew, which get pulled into the HVAC system and circulate throughout your household. These particles aggravate allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. Periodic duct cleaning eliminates these contaminants, improving indoor air quality and promoting healthier living.
Dirty ductwork also causes air filters to clog more quickly, forcing you to replace them more often and spending more money on filters. In addition, the toxins in dirty ducts can get into the HVAC system and contaminate your air conditioner or heater, increasing operating costs and shortening equipment life.
When a ductwork is cleaned, it can be disinfected and deodorized to remove foul odors. These odors often come from paint, tobacco smoke, cleaning agents, food and other sources. If these odors become trapped in the ductwork, they can be circulated throughout the house and linger even after using air fresheners or opening windows.
Duct cleaning is particularly important after a major construction or renovation project in which a lot of debris was generated. This debris can include building materials, wood shavings, plaster and other debris that can accumulate in the ductwork and be circulated throughout the house. Additionally, if a home is occupied by smokers, ductwork can become full of stale cigarette odors that won’t go away. These odors can be removed during the cleaning process, but they won’t disappear entirely. If you want to completely eliminate these odors, consider adding an air purification system after the ducts are cleaned. For these reasons, it’s best to choose a company that offers a complete duct and vent cleaning service. The best company will be licensed, insured and bonded. This will give you peace of mind that the job is being done properly and that you’re not getting ripped off. If you’re unsure of the company you’re hiring, ask for references and check them before making any payments.